Defined Benefit Plans are:

  • Best suited for established companies with consistent profits and key employees who are 10 to 15 years away from retirement.
  • Contribution is not limited (maximum pay per employee to determine benefits is $275,000 for 2018).
  • Annual benefit from the Plan may not exceed the lesser of 100% of a participant’s compensation or $220,000, as adjusted.
  • Company contributions ONLY
  • Vesting schedules are available when using a maximum of one year of service for eligibility requirements.

A Defined Benefit plan could be right for someone who:

  • owns a business.
  • is making money.
  • has made money for several years.
  • has a high tax bill.
  • needs a large deduction.
  • wants to create a substantial retirement fund for himself/herself.
  • wants the largest portion of the plan contribution for himself/herself.
  • is earning more than his/her employees.
  • is 48 or older.
  • is older than his/her employees.
  • has cash available to fund the plan.
  • will have cash available to fund the plan in future years.

Cash Balance Defined Benefit Plans:

  • A Cash Balance DB Plan is designed to LOOK like a Defined Contribution Plan.
  • The Employer makes Annual Hypothetical Contributions to the Participant’s Hypothetical Account, Interest is added, and the Participant receives a benefit at Retirement.
  • Differences Between a Cash Balance DB and a Defined Contribution Plan
  • In a CB Plan, increases or decreases in plan assets DO NOT directly affect the promised benefit amount to the Participant.
  • Contribution limits are not applicable to CB Plans (as in a DC).
  • CB benefits are generally guaranteed by the PBGC.

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